bob matteucci standing with text

A Fantastic Opportunity to Serve

By Bob Matteucci

A fantastic opportunity has come my way – I’ve been elected to serve on the New Mexico Bar Association Law Section Board of Directors. This Section of the State Bar serves as a foundation of support for both its legal community and the general public who may be seeking legal assistance. I am looking forward to partnering with the board to continually monitor and share the changing nature of our lives so that New Mexicans may be well served by our legal community. As solo practitioner of Matteucci Family Law, I’ll continue to help clients get through family law matters which can include, child custody, child support, spousal support, asset and debt division, paternity or any other type of family law issue with the least amount of conflict. Regarding divorce, my goal is to help family members, whether parents or children, build different, but healthy relationships so that a functional family can exist during and after the process is complete.

Collaborative When Possible, Aggressive When Necessary.

About the Author
Bob Matteucci is a board certified family law specialist, with a statewide practice in the area of divorce and family law.