Young couple arguing in front of male judge, contemplating divorce. Family lawyer deals with their dispute, hoping for resolution.

When to Seek Legal Help During Your Divorce

By Bob Matteucci

“I can do it myself!” Every parent has heard some version of this from their child, often at the most inopportune times. Whether it is dressing themself or pouring their own cereal, there’s a fine balance between encouraging independence and preventing a complete disaster. 

And this is a tightrope many of us continue to walk as adults. Knowing when to go it alone, and when to ask for help is often difficult. We like to think that we can handle whatever comes our way, but when we screw up we end up cleaning up more than just a few spilled Cheerios.

Attorney Bob Matteucci is often called in for backup when a couple in the Albuquerque area has attempted a DIY divorce and found themselves with a mess on their hands. 

Getting Divorced Without an Attorney is Possible

New Mexico policymakers have attempted to standardize the divorce process so couples can split up almost as easily as they can get married. All the forms you need to fill out and file with the court in order to get divorced are available on the New Mexico Courts website. 

If you and your partner want to get divorced, and you have few assets or debts and no children, you can follow the instructions on the Court’s website and get divorced without the assistance of an attorney. 

But it is Not Always the Best Option

If you look at the information on the Court’s website, and feel a bit overwhelmed, you are not alone. Most couples in the Albuquerque area end up hiring an attorney to handle their divorce, even if their split is relatively straightforward. 

If all you need is an attorney to help you and your soon-to-be-former partner fill out the necessary paperwork and make sure it is properly filed, Attorney Matteucci is happy to provide assistance. 

But you may also want to seek Bob’s assistance if you have accumulated significant assets or debts during your marriage, or you have a child. 

New Mexico is a community property state, which means the value of all marital assets and debts must be divided 50/50 at the time of a divorce. If you and your spouse share anything more than a basic bank account — like a home, individual retirement accounts, or ownership of a business — you are going to want to work with an attorney like Bob who has the financial chops necessary to negotiate a fair divorce settlement. 

New Mexico also has a child custody law that presumes both parents should share custody of their child post-divorce. Figuring out how to make joint custody actually work for your family is something you are going to want to hash out with a seasoned family law attorney like Bob. 

Serving Families with Dignity & Compassion

When you and your former partner are ready to file for divorce, Matteucci Family Law is here to help. Whether you just need a little bit of help with the paperwork, or are headed into an intense negotiation over family or finances, Attorney Bob Matteucci is here for you. Please contact him today to learn more and to schedule a confidential consultation.

About the Author
Bob Matteucci is a board certified family law specialist, with a statewide practice in the area of divorce and family law.